The challenge we face
We are in the midst of a global water crisis, with floods and droughts becoming commonplace. Climate change, population growth and increased pollution will all put even greater pressure on global water resources.
What does this mean for the UK? It will mean higher water prices. It will mean more restrictions on use. It will mean interruptions in supply. It will mean constraints on growth and development as water neutrality and catchment nutrient limits spread across the UK. And this isn’t a prediction of what may happen, it’s happening now.
Very few organisations within the UK are prepared for this new reality and all face pressing questions.
- How would your business cope with no water?
- Do you have alternative supplies?
- Do you have a water strategy?
- Do you monitor your water use?
- What do your customers think of your water use?
Add into this mix the need for improved hygiene and better washroom design, increased pressure for water reuse, constraints on wastewater discharges, evolving legislation, and more and suddenly managing water across a business becomes very complex. Businesses need help. This is where Ecoprod comes in.
How can Ecoprod help?
Ecoprod uniquely combines expertise across all areas of water management, from water policy, water reuse, irrigation, grey water and rainwater systems through to washroom design, water features and the latest water optimising technologies.
No one else has the skills or experience to deliver the service Ecoprod can provide across the full spectrum of water management requirements. Whether you are planning a complete top-down review of your water management strategy or just looking to refit an existing washroom, Ecoprod can help. Ecoprod is the first organisation in the UK to offer a fully integrated end-to-end water design and management service.
- We have access to the world’s most sophisticated water-saving appliances and technologies.
- Our team has decades of combined hands-on experience and expert knowledge to help businesses make the best choices to meet their needs.
- We have a track record of effective project management and delivery, no matter the size of the project, whether it’s installing one or two urinals or taps in a single location or installing hundreds of products across a large facilities estate.
- We offer our clients a one stop shop for all their water needs. From upgrading taps or retrofitting waterless urinals through to complete washroom refits or developing an overall water strategy for your business, Ecoprod delivers.
- We save our customers money – we can audit your water bills to ensure you’re paying the right amount and getting the right discounts, we can reduce infrastructure charges for new developments, and we can cut water and sewerage bills through improved efficiency, which will reduce energy bills too.
- As well as cutting costs and cutting carbon, Ecoprod can also help your business become water neutral or even water positive.
Find out more
If you’d like to find out more about how Ecoprod can help your organisation put an effective water management strategy in place just give us a call.